James Morrison, a capitalist, has used bribery to secure from the city an important and valuable franchise for a street railway. Charles Brown, a young lawyer in the city's employ, is in love with May, Morrison's stepdaughter, but the latter refuses consent to their marriage because Brown is working against him in his civic capacity. A meeting is held in Morrison's house, and May overhears the discussion. She discovers her step-father's crookedness, and threatens to expose him unless he gives up his plan to loot the city treasury. Morrison takes her to his camp on the bay, locking her up there and placing a guard over her, until the deal shall be safely over. Brown trails Morrison and his colleagues to the camp. They plan to harm him, and May manages to make her escape in order to warn him. She finds a rowboat and tries to reach the opposite shore where she can get help. Brown learns that his sweetheart is out at sea in a small boat, and unable to secure another craft, calls upon Capt. Hodgson whose hangar is nearby. Meanwhile, Morrison, fearing that May will betray him, pursues her in a motor boat. There ensues an exciting race between the motor boat and the hydro-aeroplane. The latter rescues May on the fly. Her step-father's schemes are ruined, and she and Brown are married.