A Date with Shillelagh
Directed by Brian Johnston and Jeff Stewart2019 13mShort
The film focuses on the mysogynistic behavior within the entertainment industry. Highlighted in high profile allegations against media mogul Harvey Weinstein. This film production supports The Me Too Movement. Used as a hashtag on social media, Me Too spread virally in October 2017 in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assaults and harassment, especially in the workplace. It followed soon after the sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein. Starring Eleanor Burke (Jo) who appeared in the Oscar nominated film 'Kon Tiki' and Lauren Cornelius (Karen) a regular with BBC Radio 4 drama, the story follows Jo's dreams of fame. Failing to heed Karen's warnings about slime-ball music promoter Billy Tomkins (played by Peter McManus), Jo chances the dance with danger, to pursue her Rolls Royce road to stardom.