A Casa Errada
Directed by Maciel Brum"A Casa Errada" tells the story of an unexpected visit that turns into a big problem in the life of Andreia (Lu Grimaldi). Andrea lives in a condominium in which the houses are nearly equal, and therefore, mistakes will always happen. Rosecleide (Cris Dias) works for a week at her home and into the neighbor's house (Fátima Guimarães) by mistake. Odette, the neighbor, believes being robbed and through fear of invasion, calls the police (Rocco Pitanga) and (Luciano Texeira). Without noting that caused the greatest confusion in the minds of the neighbor, distracted Rosecleide back home. Once there, get in your door one grumpy old woman (Lady Francis), who claims to be the aunt housewife. How it works recently at the home of Andrea, Rosecleide lets her in and caters to all requests for Tia, who, after drinking his coffee, sleeping in the chair. When it comes to the house, Andreia is startled to see a stranger sleeping in her room. Her fright is even greater when you try to wake her and realizes that she is dead.
Where to Watch A Casa Errada
Cast of A Casa Errada