In a totalitarian future society, Winston Smith, whose work is re-writing history, tries to rebel. He meets a kindred spirit named Julia and they fall into a love affair.
Cast of 1984
John HurtWinston Smith
Richard BurtonO'Brien
Suzanna HamiltonJulia
Cyril CusackCharrington
Gregor FisherParsons
James WalkerSyme
Andrew WildeTillotson
David CannMartin
Peter FryeRutherford
Roger Lloyd PackWaiter
David TrevenaTillotson's Friend
Anthony BensonJones
Phyllis LoganThe Telescreen Anouncer (voice)
Garry CooperGuard
Rupert BadermanWinston Smith as a Boy
Corinna SeddonWinston's Mother
Martha ParseyWinston's Sister
Merelina KendallMrs. Parsons
P.J. NicholasWilliam Parsons
Lynne RadfordSusan Parsons
Pip DonaghyInner Party Speaker
Shirley StelfoxThe Whore
Janet KeyThe Instructress
Hugh WaltersArtsem Lecturer
John HughesMan in White Coat
Robert PuttShouting Prole
Christine HargreavesSoup Lady
Matthew ScurfieldGuard
John GolightlyPatrolman
Rolf SaxonPatrolman
Ole OldendorpEurasian Soldier
Eddie StaceyExecutioner
Norman BaconMan on Station Platform
John FossYouth Leader
Carey WilsonParty Member
Mitzi McKenzieParty Member
Pam GemsThe Washerwoman
Joscik BarbarossaAaronson
John BoswallGoldstein
Bob FlagBig Brother
Keith GaleProle (uncredited)
Annie LennoxWoman at rally (uncredited)
Lucien MorganMinistery Worker (uncredited)
Michael MunnInterrogation Room Soldier (uncredited)
Jason SavageChild at Rally (uncredited)
Fred WoodProl (uncredited)
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