Backyard Science
Bagpipes, Rusty Wheels & Coconut Oil, Mini greenhouse, Air pressure, Fake blood
S2 E9 25m- Build ear shattering bagpies
- Repair a rusty wheel with coconut oil
- Make you own mini greenhouse
- Put the power of air to the test
- Make a horror movie with fake blood
- Pass a football through a postcard
- Grow your own coral
- The mystery of bouncing sound waves.
- Repair a rusty wheel with coconut oil
- Make you own mini greenhouse
- Put the power of air to the test
- Make a horror movie with fake blood
- Pass a football through a postcard
- Grow your own coral
- The mystery of bouncing sound waves.
Where to Watch Bagpipes, Rusty Wheels & Coconut Oil, Mini greenhouse, Air pressure, Fake blood