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Backyard Science
Season 2
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A science show hosted by kids for kids, showing that science can be done at home in everyday life.
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52 Episodes
Whirlwind, Wound, Ice Cube, Table Cloth
Episode 1
Whirlwind, Wound, Ice Cube, Table Cloth
- Whip up a Whirlwind in a bottle - Make a gory Wound to gross out the grown ups - Who will win the great Ice Cube melt off? - The ultimate table Cloth trick - Magic tricks to tickle your taste buds - The perfect way to poke a potato - Make the coolest snow shoes on Earth - Turn a birthday surprise into a slithering snake
Surgery, Cereal, Boil, Spoon
Episode 2
Surgery, Cereal, Boil, Spoon
- Super cool Surgery in your own backyard - A breakfast trick that will have your Cereal bouncing back for more - Stick a super gross puss filled boil on your face - Stick tea Spoon right on the tip of your nose - Magic tricks that will amaze your friends - Weird and wacky bubbles that will blow your mind - Worlds trickiest brain teasers - Make a megaphone
Balloon, Spoon Bell, Ear Wax, Jet Boat
Episode 3
Balloon, Spoon Bell, Ear Wax, Jet Boat
- Spinning balloon that will turn you dizzy with success - A spoon that tolls like a bell - A trick that will keep your friends stuck on a chair - An applause machine that will have them begging for more - How to make snow disappear before your eyes - Finding earwax inside your friends ears - How to blow a coin into a cup - A jet boat that will blow you out of the water
Sled, See in Dark, Boomerang, Potato
Episode 4
Sled, See in Dark, Boomerang, Potato
- The secrets of super fast dog sledding - Show your friends how to see in the dark - Find out how flower petals take a good long drink - The worlds coolest designer t-shirts - Build a boomerang that really does come back - A treasure trove of trickery for backyard pirates - A big surprise inside a potato
Pocket Money, Brazil Nuts, Snot, Screams
Episode 5
Pocket Money, Brazil Nuts, Snot, Screams
- Perfect the art of painting with a pendulum - Discover how to double your pocket money - How to get your hands on only the biggest Brazil nuts - Find out how to make your own fake snot - Create blood curdling screams with a kitchen cup - Solve the mystery of the curious clicking radio - Make your own marshmallow catapult - Fabulous flowers that really float
Mirror Maze, Build an Alarm, Catch Funky Fish
Episode 6
Mirror Maze, Build an Alarm, Catch Funky Fish
- Boggle your brain with a mirror maze - Create your own cool tasting kimchee - Give your thumbs the thumbs up - Build Battery Powered Alarm - Brilliant Backyard Balancing Act - A foolproof way to catch funky fish - A cunning trick for threading needles - Getting a large coin through a small whole
Snowball Fight, Racing Balloon Powered Cars, Salt Power, Floating Marbles
Episode 7
Snowball Fight, Racing Balloon Powered Cars, Salt Power, Floating Marbles
- Outblast a snowball fight - Balloon powered racing car - The power of salt - Make a sinking marble float - Invent your own heat keeping tea cup - Learn the secret of levitating limbs - How to stop a strong man with a pencil - Spear a pencil through a water bag without spilling a drop
Fizzing Cauldron, Build a Beach, Egg Strength, Creepy Spiders
Episode 8
Fizzing Cauldron, Build a Beach, Egg Strength, Creepy Spiders
- Make a fantastic Fizzing Wizard's Cauldron - Build a mini beach - Ultimate Test of strength for eggs - Creepy crawly spiders - Make a Rainbow in a Jar - Catch weird new creatures in a fish tank - Turn a drink bottle into a wave machine - The ultimate coin trick - Build a brilliant bridge
Bagpipes, Rusty Wheels & Coconut Oil, Mini greenhouse, Air pressure, Fake blood
Episode 9
Bagpipes, Rusty Wheels & Coconut Oil, Mini greenhouse, Air pressure, Fake blood
- Build ear shattering bagpies - Repair a rusty wheel with coconut oil - Make you own mini greenhouse - Put the power of air to the test - Make a horror movie with fake blood - Pass a football through a postcard - Grow your own coral - The mystery of bouncing sound waves.
Planes, Helicopters, Avalanches and Fish
Episode 10
Planes, Helicopters, Avalanches and Fish
- Make You Own Super flying helicopter - Build an Avalanche in your backyard - Find out how your Eyes can be bigger than your stomach - The secret to making a swirling star - Crush bottles with the power of air - How To Tell the Age of a fish - What makes wrinkly fingers - How to shrink a snow pile - Propeller powered stunt plane
Polar bears, tuning fork, drink bottle trick, smelly boys.
Episode 11
Polar bears, tuning fork, drink bottle trick, smelly boys.
- Fool drink thieves with the power of air - Fool the love struck with a folding trick - Prove girls sweat as much as smelly boys - How Polar bears survive in the freezing cold - Make your own lick & sniff stickers - Stay in tune with a tuning fork - Drink bottle burglar revenge - Find the germs in your bedroom
Grow snowflakes, build skyscrapes, tickle attack, spinning tops
Episode 12
Grow snowflakes, build skyscrapes, tickle attack, spinning tops
- Grow a six sided snow flake - Turn sugar cubes into a sky scraper - Mount a monster tickle attack - Turn a top with the heat of your hands - Create a kaleidoscope of colours with black magic - Pit your sense of smell against the sock sniffing shark - Ball bearings versus magnets - The secret to success in a water bomb competition
Solar Fridge, Solar Cooking, Make Fossils, Leaky Boat Float
Episode 13
Solar Fridge, Solar Cooking, Make Fossils, Leaky Boat Float
- Keeping Drinks Cool with a Solar Fridge - Make a leaky box float like a boat - Turn a bad hair day into a do that dazzles - Cook with the power of the Sun - Whip up your own lustrous lipstick - Perfect the art of Taekwondo - Put a mighty muscle man to the test - How do hoola hoops stay on on your hips? - Make dinosaur fossils
Skipping rocks, facial, soda fountain, yawning
Episode 14
Skipping rocks, facial, soda fountain, yawning
- Control a pet pooch with the power of a pendulum - Make a plane that will steer it's way out of trouble - Learn the secret of skipping rocks - The ultimate facial from the kitchen cupboard - Turn a soft drink into a super soda fountain - Make your own model ear drum - Find out why yawning is so contagious - The secret to super fast skiing
Water sword, foot powder, spooky tune, bird feeder
Episode 15
Water sword, foot powder, spooky tune, bird feeder
- Build a glow in the dark water sword - Make odour eating foot powder - Play a spooky tune on a screaming balloon - Do the static electric boogaloo - Build a bird feeder for your fine feathered friends - Why water seems warmer once you're used to it - Follow your nose for a taste sensation - Keeping cool using the power of evaporation
Pressure Powered Pillow, Magic Crystals, Playing Pool, Wizard School
Episode 16
Pressure Powered Pillow, Magic Crystals, Playing Pool, Wizard School
- Build a pressure powered pillow that will blow away your friends - Crazy cracking sounds of ice cubes breaking up - Raincoat rope trick - Why do apples come close together - Make your own magic crystals - Some sneaky secrets to playing pool - Find out why elevators give you that sinking feeling - Take a trip to wizard school
Make ear shattering bagpipes
Episode 17
Make ear shattering bagpipes
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Your own ear shattering bagpipes - Repair a rusty wheel with your own coconut oil - Your own mini garden - Put the power of air to the test
Make your own fake blood
Episode 18
Make your own fake blood
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Your own fake blood - Pass a football through a postcard - The secret to growing coral - Where do sound waves come from?
Build a super flying helicopter
Episode 19
Build a super flying helicopter
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Your own super flying helicopter - An avalanche - A magic spinning star
Find all those gross germs in your bedroom
Episode 20
Find all those gross germs in your bedroom
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Your own likeable stamps - A tuning fork for your guitar - Find all the gross germs
How to tell the age of a fish
Episode 21
How to tell the age of a fish
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - How to crush a can - How to tell the age of a fish - Shrinking a slow fire
Teepee, Drink carton catamaran, Super bouncing ball
Episode 22
Teepee, Drink carton catamaran, Super bouncing ball
Make torch, Space satellite, Magic mirror
Episode 23
Make torch, Space satellite, Magic mirror
Fake barf, Heavier than water, Junk yard crane
Episode 24
Fake barf, Heavier than water, Junk yard crane
Home made telephone, Bendy back, Model arm
Episode 25
Home made telephone, Bendy back, Model arm
Perfect the art of Taekwondo
Episode 26
Perfect the art of Taekwondo
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Your own luscious lipstick - Perfect the art of Taekwondo - Put the mighty muscle man to test - Why do hula hoops stay on your hips?
The ultimate kitchen face scrub
Episode 27
The ultimate kitchen face scrub
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Pet controlling pendulum - A plane that will steer away from trouble - The secret to skipping stones - The ultimate kitchen face scrub
Huge soda fountains!
Episode 28
Huge soda fountains!
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Huge soda fountains - Find out why your name is so contagious - The secret to the box
Make a Glow in the Dark Water Gun
Episode 29
Make a Glow in the Dark Water Gun
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Glow in the dark water gun - Do the electric blue static dance - Magic feet powder
Keep cool with the power of evaporation
Episode 30
Keep cool with the power of evaporation
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A bird feeder - Why does warmer seem warmer when you're in it for a while - Follow your nose for a taste - Keep cool with the power of evaporation
Feel the pressure of floating pillow
Episode 31
Feel the pressure of floating pillow
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Feel the pressure of floating pillow - Crackling ice sounds - Wacky magic tricks
How to Make Magic Crystals
Episode 32
How to Make Magic Crystals
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Magic crystals - Sneaky tricks to win in Pool - Become a wizard
Make a Emergency Protein Shake
Episode 33
Make a Emergency Protein Shake
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Mechanical puppet show - Use an airbrush over a paintbrush - Feel the force of a mechanical cleaner - Mix an emergency protein shake
What's that sound in the seashell?
Episode 34
What's that sound in the seashell?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Snappy practical jokes - Turning leftovers into a dessert - Find out who put the sound in seashells
Secret to Ripen Bananas
Episode 35
Secret to Ripen Bananas
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A magic spinning spot - Rapid rippening bananas - Give your ping pong game a lift - Friendly fungus that helps you make bread
How to Make an Erupting Volcano
Episode 36
How to Make an Erupting Volcano
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - An erupting volcano - Solve the mystery of the magic comb - Your own mud brick mansion - How to tell your friends are lying
Make a Vacuum with a Bottle
Episode 37
Make a Vacuum with a Bottle
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A vacuum with a bottle - Popcorn machine - The greatest milkshake - Get down to the funky ping pong song
How to Build a Lighthouse?
Episode 38
How to Build a Lighthouse?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A brilliant lighthouse - Screeching sound from paper - Make a spoon dance on a table - Mirrors or a magic muffin?
How to find your own Rainbow?
Episode 39
How to find your own Rainbow?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Find a pot of gold in your own rainbow - A lie detector with these signs - A luck thermometer
How to shine a silver without polishing?
Episode 40
How to shine a silver without polishing?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A working crane - Dance to the beat of your own drum - Shine a silver treasure without polishing - Put the power of water to work
How to Make Bagpipes?
Episode 41
How to Make Bagpipes?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - The perfect bagpipes - Your own flying fish - A black & white star into a spin - Good crazy gas
How to Make Your Own Toothpaste
Episode 42
How to Make Your Own Toothpaste
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to make: - Your Own Toothpaste - Sensational Hotdog Table Server
Crush up a Bouncy Ball
Episode 43
Crush up a Bouncy Ball
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Top of the line teepee tent - Your own drink carton raft - Squish up a super bouncing ball - Count how many crackers you can cram into one mouth
How to make a perfect piñata!
Episode 44
How to make a perfect piñata!
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - The perfect piñata - Fly your own crazy kite - Find out why baking is perfectly natural
How to make a space satellite?
Episode 45
How to make a space satellite?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A trusty torch for camps - Set up your own space satellite - Make your friends go mad with a magic mirror - Reel them in with a circling trick
How to Make a Ball Bearing blaster?
Episode 46
How to Make a Ball Bearing blaster?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A back-bending broomstick trick - Powered-up saltwater battery - Magnet powered ball bearing blaster - put the power of the sun to the test
How to Make Fake Vomit
Episode 47
How to Make Fake Vomit
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to: - Make a gross fake batch of vomit - Are your friends more heavier in the water? - A junkyard crane to Clean up your bedroom - Discover why no one can hear you scream in space
How to Always win at Tug of War
Episode 48
How to Always win at Tug of War
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A giant crane - outdoor air bed - Send your toys flying with the power of leverage - Always win a tug of war
Why Do Baked Beans Smell?
Episode 49
Why Do Baked Beans Smell?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - Cal the room service with a homemade phone - Find out why your back is so bendy - Put together a muscular wooden arm - The stinky truth about baked beans
What are Dust Mites?
Episode 50
What are Dust Mites?
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A turbine to lure out the birds - Find out which colours are the most easiest on the eyes - How to handle a flat tire with an emergency bike pump - What are dust mites?
How To Make a Hot Air Balloon
Episode 51
How To Make a Hot Air Balloon
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A hot air balloon - Learn the salty secret to preserving food - Your own electric motor - Why is the ping pong ball floating?
How to Build a Spy Satellite
Episode 52
How to Build a Spy Satellite
In this episode of Backyard Science. We teach you how to build: - A super spy satellite - Hydraulic flagpole - How to avoid a deep freeze disaster - Learn to bend it like Beckham
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