Inukami! The Movie: Tokumei Reiteki Sousakan Karina Shirou!

Directed by Keizo Kusakawa
2007    27mAnimation, Short,
Karina suffers a sudden, mysterious death. When Kaoru's Inukami notice that Keita and Yoko are missing from his wake, Kaoru suspects that Karina's death is likely linked to the reason for Keita's absence, so they set out to investigate.
Where to Watch Inukami! The Movie: Tokumei Reiteki Sousakan Karina Shirou!
Cast of Inukami! The Movie: Tokumei Reiteki Sousakan Karina Shirou!
  • Jun FukuyamaKeita Kawahira
  • Yui HorieYoko
  • Yuki MatsuokaSendan
  • Kaori NazukaNadeshiko

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